From Conductor to Clay | Lucia Matos | Episode 840

Lucia Matos | Episode 840

An orchestra conductor turned potter, Lucia Matos is originally from Brazil and lives now in the Chicago area. After having to cut short her conducting career due to hearing problems, Lucia discovered clay, and with that, she overcame grief and regained her creative voice and life purpose.



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I am curious, in this stage of your life what is your favorite form to make?

I love to make vases and bowls and bottles.

What is your favorite glaze that you love to work with?

So what I am doing now actually because I have about one hundred and fifty pieces that I have bisqued but I have not glazed them because I am doing glaze experiments because I have been studying glaze chemistry. And so far the glaze that I like the best from all the tests that I have made was a crater glaze because I love the texture. One of them had some different tones in the same glaze. But also those satin glazes, I love them too.

Photo taken with Focos

So you are trying to make your own glazes as opposed to buy commercial glazes?

Yes, I am.

Photo taken with Focos

Are you studying from a specific book?

I took the Ceramic Materials workshop from Matt and Rose Katz.

I took two courses that they have online and they are wonderful. It’s like nowadays you have opportunities only if you went to a University, a very good program. We live in a very good time where we have so many resources. It was wonderful to take that course.

What’s got you excited in the studio right now?

I want so much to work on sectional pieces this summer. I have made several but I would like to focus on that. So this week now that’s what I would like to do.

What has you frustrated in the studio right now?

Not getting a satin glaze. Because I made thirty tests for a satin glaze and they all came out not the way I hoped.

What is your favorite date night thing to do?

I don’t know, we watch movies, we go for walks. Going for walks is always good. But the art institute and going for walks in downtown Chicago, those are my favorite things to do.


The Ceramic Form by Peter Lane


Instagram: @luciamatosceramics

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