Using Cafe’s To Teach Pottery Classes | Purvi Fumakiya | Episode 1040

Purvi Fumakiya | Episode 1040

Purvi Fumakaya is a fashion designer turned potter, shaping composite forms inspired by her journey of balance amidst life’s challenges. With an eye for order and flair borrowed from fashion, Purvi crafts pieces that harmonize structure and creativity. Each creation tells a story of resilience and beauty born from adversity


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How do you go about asking a cafe if you can have pottery class in their cafe?

Those place had already hosted art workshops and a couple of them had already hosted a clay workshop so it was pretty much they already had that concept in mind with what was going to happen. So it was easy to ask them for time that was available.

How much does a cafe require, is it a percentage or a flat rate?

Yes, it is percentage. Most of the spaces there would be a cover charge where they could purchase something worth that much.

How many students do you need per class to make it worth your while?

I wouldn’t take anything more than eight students the reason being is it is a little difficult to give that much justice to each and every person because clay being a new medium for most of them. It is difficult for them to use at first so they always need help. It is always a guided demonstration so eight people is the max I would take.

Do you have all your teaching tools packed up in a bin so that it is easy to take?

Oh yes. I do keep them separately for the workshop so once I come back I will just clean them up in a box where all the workshop tools go.  The canvases and everything I will just clean them up and put them together. So it’s easy to carry for next time.

How far in advance do you start advertising for your workshops?

I would say a week before. I would start on Monday if it is on a Saturday or Sunday.

Wow. That’s short notice.

Well generally people don’t decide what they are going to do on the weekend until it’s Wednesday. So Wednesday is when people start to register early. Some people call Saturday morning saying they want to join. I mean definitely it is a pre-registered workshop so if there is a spot available they would ask for it in the morning.

Have you had a chance to connect with potters in Connecticut?

Yes, I have. I made an appointment to meet some potters. It is a great community out here.


The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy


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