Best Friends Bought A Potters Wheel | Danielle Lane & Lara Irwin | Episode 1116

Danielle Lane & Lara Irwin | Episode 1116

Danielle Lane & Lara Irwin’s Instagram profile says, Two besties throwing like girls. And that explains their relationship perfectly- Danielle and Lara are best friends who make pottery together in Victoria, BC Canada. It all started when Danielle and Lara decided to buy a potters wheel together. Now they are making ceramics together and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

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A Renaissance Potter | Matt Wassenaar | Episode 1115

Matt Wassenaar | Episode 1115

Matt Wassenaar makes pottery all year long and sells it for 7 weekends at his booth in the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. After meeting Warren MacKenzie decades ago Matt took to heart his philosophy – make pottery for function and affordability. In 2001 Matt and his wife bought a booth at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival and started selling their work. Selling at the festival has turned into sales of 2,100 pots in 7 weekends.

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Clay As A Hobby In San Francisco | GiAnna Orangio | Episode 1114

GiAnna Orangio | Episode 1114

GiAnna Orangio is a hobby potter based in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. Her brand, Evil Eye Pottery is a collection of vases that she creates on the pottery wheel in her home studio. GiAnna shares her ceramic journey and creations on social media (links below).

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Knowing When To Pivot | Anita & Neil Lawrence | Episode 1113

Anita & Neil Lawrence | Episode 1113

Anita & Neil Lawrence met in art school back in the late 80’s and have been carving out a living together ever since. When Anita and Neil first graduated from art school they did various jobs on Vancouver Island in British Colombia to make ends meet. Eventually they bought a production studio, opened a restaurant, and lately a gallery studio.

Anita Lawrenc

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The Blue Checkmark: Is It Worth It? | Heather Elyse Head | Episode 1111

Heather Elyse Head | Episode 1111

Heather Elyse Head, a Northeast Georgia potter, blends traditional folk pottery with vibrant glazes and whimsical female faces. Mentored by esteemed regional potters, Heather’s playful creations bring a modern twist to the craft. Her favorite part? Seeing her work makes people smile.

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Pottery For A Bigger Purpose | Eric Rempe | Episode 1110

Eric Rempe | Episode 1110

Eric Rempe first touched clay when he was in high school in Lancaster, PA. Eric has a BFA in ceramics from Penn State University and an MFA in ceramics from San Diego State University. Eric now lives in Princeton, NJ and he teaches ceramics at Princeton Day School.

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Behind The Scenes Of NCECA | PJ Anderson, Antra Sinha, Dara Hartman | Episode 1109

PJ Anderson, Antra Sinha, Dara Hartman | Episode 1109

NCECA User Portal

NCECA is around the corner. NCECA is the largest art conference around and the event takes a massive amount of effort to make it happen. In today’s episode we spend time with three amazing artists who helped to make this year’s conference happen. Our guests, PJ Anderson, Antra Sinha, and Dara Hartman, have spent the last two years organizing, planning, and now executing in order to make this year’s conference take place.

PJ Anderson

Dara Hartman

Antra Sinha

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The President of NCECA | Shoji Satake | Episode 1108

Shoji Satake | Episode 1108

Shoji Satake, born in Kyoto, Japan and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, earned a BA in Studio Art and Government from The College of William and Mary (1996) and an MFA from Indiana University (2004). He is an associate professor of ceramics at Rhode Island School of Design. Shoji is also president of the NCECA Board of Directors. His work has been exhibited internationally. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, traveling, and fly fishing.

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Making In The Home | Emilie Bouvet-Boisclair | Episode 1107

Emilie Bouvet-Boisclair | Episode 1107

Emilie Bouvet-Boisclair is a Canadian born artist living in Illinois. Emilie’s approach to pottery is formed by a past of learning to throw with a production potter, and being immersed in the community studios of Chicago. Emilie has been a painter in her youth through her mid 20’s, holding a BA in Fine Art from the State University of New York, Geneseo. Emilie’s passion in the arts lies in the process of discovery.

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