2024 Emerging Artist | Marian Daper | Episode 1056

Marian Daper | Episode 1056

Marian Draper is a vivacious personality who is passionate about the Ceramic Craft. Originally from Rome, NY, Marian is a graduate from Rochester Institute of Technology where she earned her bachelor’s degree in studio arts. Marian is currently located in Asheville, North Carolina completing a residency at Odyssey Clayworks.


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How has the publication impacted you as an artist and a maker?

Yeah so for starts I have been contacted by several galleries to have opportunity to put work in a show there. Which is huge. Also having the pressure of the award behind me it was a good impact in that it forced me to get my act together as an emerging artist and really focus on important things whether it be my website or Instagram or having enough work to have multiple shows going on at the same time.

What is something that surprised you that you didn’t expect to see happen?

Something that I didn’t expect from that award to happen was probably I felt like overnight there was at one point I woke up with 400 more Instagram followers and I was like, Oh my Gosh, I almost doubled my Instagram followers in one night.  It was such a surreal moment, I had pretty bad imposter syndrome where I was like, Okay this is the big kid league. But that really surprised me, I did not expect that at all.

How do you think having that on your resume will impact your future work?

So having it on my resume while it’s really a wonderful accolade and I am so excited to have been chosen for it, it’s something I don’t want to be like, Oh I received this award, everything will come to me.  I am hungry for it. I want success and while this award is so wonderful it’s not the only thing that is going to get me there. So for my work it was definitely the fire under my butt I needed but now I have to keep the flames going with my own ambitions and things that I would like to achieve.

What do you listen to while you are making?

So, it depends on the day. I am a big T Swift fan so I listen to Taylor Swift just about every day. I have really gotten into podcasts lately and recently I have been listening to a podcast called the Ancients which is about historical happenings and things like that from Ancient times, big history nerd over here. So that has been really lovely and moving to the south has fostered a love of country music for me that I didn’t know that I had. So I usually have folk music or country music on rotation as well.

When you are teaching are there things that you hold back that you kind of hold for yourself?

Never. If my students have a question that I know the answer to regardless if it’s in my own practice or not I will give them the answer with my full heart and with all the knowledge I have to give them. That is one of the most beautiful things about the ceramics community I feel like it’s a very welcoming and giving community in terms of knowledge and creating and all of those good things. I have been given a lot of good information and I want to share that with others.

In a year, when you are done where you are how are you going to keep the community aspect alive?

So obviously there are several different avenues that you can do that in right. After I leave Odyssey I will probably head to a different residency or a graduate school. With that being said to stay connected to the people at my current studio email, social media, all that good stuff is a great way to stay in touch with them.


Our Lady of Perpetual Hunger by Lisa Donovan

The Boy in the Boat by Daniel James Brown



Instagram: @mariandraperceramics

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