Passion Over Production | Summer Brendlinger | Episode 1061

Summer Brendlinger | Episode 1061

Summer Brendlinger’s philosophy is centered on enriching everyday life through her pottery creations, aiming to bring joy and a handmade touch of artistry into people’s homes. Summer’s journey began in 1994 with a high school ceramics class. After a career in teaching, Summer returned to her passion for pottery, creating a studio in her backyard and teaching ceramics workshops at Talent Maker City.


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What were the cues that told you change was needed?

The cues would have been a lack of satisfaction with my life as it was. Knowing there is something better for me and my family really.

Why is balance so critical for a person?

I can speak for myself; balance is incredibly critical because without it things don’t get the attention they deserve and when we ignore important things is our life like family or passion, we become lopsided and I think we quit growing and we quit appreciating life as it is. As beautiful as it can be.

It seems like we think if we stop we are going to lose the progress we made. Why is it important to not care about progress if it means we are going to lose our sanity?

Such a good question. I think all the progress that you’ve made at any point that you decide to change carries on into the next chapter. So it’s not wasted progress, it’s actually prior learning that gets you to the point you are supposed to be at in that time in your life.

That doesn’t mean that goals are irrelevant. Correct?

Goals are necessary.

It’s properly placed goals then. Would that be better said?

I think so. Properly placed goals and for me you’ve got your big goal of what you want to see your life become. And that one you are constantly reaching towards and the goals that are smaller and quicker to attain those ones you reach them or you are on your way to reaching them and you decide this doesn’t feel right to get to that over arching goal of the life that you want to live.

Why is variety important for you?

It’s way more fun for me. If I am doing the same thing I don’t get to express myself. And you know, just as the seasons change what I make changes because life is changing. And what I find beautiful in nature usually shows up in my work and it’s changing. I mean I have to have variety.

Studio life. Do you like it quiet or do you like music or podcasts in the background?

On par with me and variety it changes. I’ll do podcasts. I love audio books. I still want to call them books on tape. And then music and if it’s music it’s classic rock, Tom Petty is my number one. It changes, I recognize what my mood needs and it’s rarely ever quiet in my studio.


Mastering Hand Building: Techniques, Tips, and Tricks for Slabs, Coils, and More by Sunshine Cobb


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