The President of NCECA | Shoji Satake | Episode 1108

Shoji Satake | Episode 1108

Shoji Satake, born in Kyoto, Japan and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, earned a BA in Studio Art and Government from The College of William and Mary (1996) and an MFA from Indiana University (2004). He is an associate professor of ceramics at Rhode Island School of Design. Shoji is also president of the NCECA Board of Directors. His work has been exhibited internationally. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, traveling, and fly fishing.

Is it too late to sign up for the conference at this point?

No, you can still sign up online. You can even sign up at the conference. You just go to and just follow the conference portal and it will take you right to the online registration link.

How soon is the schedule out so we can see what shows we want to see and which talks we want to go to?

In my meeting last week I was told that the conference app is almost finished so it should be up and running by the end of the month. The great thing is with a conference app is that it’s a mobile app and you can download it onto your phone. But if you go to the website the preliminary programming I believe is downloadable as a PDF on the Salt Lake City Conference webpage.

Is it accurate that if you buy a ticket to go to the conference you have a membership that is good for a year?

No, if you register and get an annual membership then you will get the discounted price for the conference. You can get it as a non-member but you will essentially end up paying more for your non-member conference fees than if you get the annual membership first. It saves you money.

Does a membership really matter to the organization and to us personally?

That is a great question. Yes, it does. Part of it is that your annual membership supports the organization and if you continue to renew it every year whether you come to conference or not it continues to help run the organization. Also, you are eligible to apply for a lot of exhibitions, awards, and the fellowships that are only open to our members.

Is it too late to volunteer?

No, I mean we are always looking for volunteers. There is a volunteer portal if you go to the Salt Lake link on our website there is a way to register and even if the volunteer list is full you can request to be put on the waitlist because often times we end up needing more volunteers.

What is the benefit of volunteering?

You know for me it gave me a lot of insight into how the conferences run, but also I got to meet so many people that I would not have met and many of them I have maintained relationships and lifelong friendships with. It’s this idea of connection and we are such a community based art form in many ways.


Between Two Kingdoms by Suleika Jaoud 


Instagram: @shojisatake

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