Best Friends Bought A Potters Wheel | Danielle Lane & Lara Irwin | Episode 1116

Danielle Lane & Lara Irwin | Episode 1116

Danielle Lane & Lara Irwin’s Instagram profile says, Two besties throwing like girls. And that explains their relationship perfectly- Danielle and Lara are best friends who make pottery together in Victoria, BC Canada. It all started when Danielle and Lara decided to buy a potters wheel together. Now they are making ceramics together and they wouldn’t have it any other way.


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Do either of you go to the studio to make by yourselves or is it always together?

Lara: It’s our favorite to be together, I think, for both of us, but sometimes it’s necessary when you are trying to fill an order to geo and get the pots done.

Do you make a certain amount of inventory to bring to each show?

Danielle: Absolutely. We definitely have to set aside time in our work schedules to do that. That usually looks like a couple of days a week. Making goals, we need ten bowls for this and ten for this.

Danielle what’s the favorite piece that Lara makes that you love?

Danielle: That is a hard question. I love everything Lara makes. I am really so impressed with Lara’s skill of throwing on the wheel. I would almost describe her style as soft, the pieces have this soft look to them and I can just never quite reach that so I would say every piece she throws. I am just always blown away.

Lara, what’s the favorite piece that Danielle makes that you love?

Lara: Yeah, that is such a hard question. I think she knows what I am going to say. She is really excellent at sgraffito work and her glazing. It is so stunning and beautiful and she has this incredible patience for it as well. She spends so long making these gorgeous landscapes of sgraffito work. They are usually the first thing I show other people. It is just so stunning.

What is the piece that you wish you could make but your skills are not quite there?

Lara: We haven’t tried the tea pot yet. So I think one day we are going to take that on. I would really love to make a lamp. I see that a lot on Instagram, people making lamps.

Danielle: Lately I’ve been really into large vases. I think we are really starting to hone in to throwing with bigger amounts of clay. I don’t know, maybe we will need a bigger kiln because our stuff is getting bigger and bigger.



Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes


Instagram: @honeyandlolapottery

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