Turning “What If’s” Into Positives | Lindsay Klix | Episode 593

Lindsay Klix | Episode 593

Lindsay Klix is the ceramic artist who runs Off Your Rocker Pottery. Lindsay has been working in clay for 21 years and specializes in dinnerware, including full dish sets. Lindsay’s work has been featured in the American Farmhouse Style Magazine, in the number one selling cookbook No Crumbs Left, and more.

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We Need a Big Why with Lindsay Klix

I don’t recall exactly where I read this, but somebody once said, People who know their purpose in life know who they are, what they are, and why they are. In our for The Potters Cast, Lindsay said that knowing her Big Why gave her a reason to get out of bed and get to work. So these are her thoughts on Why. To listen in on this conversation, click HERE

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