Streamlining the Art | Paul Schneider | Episode 192

Paul Schneider | Episode 192

Paul Schneider

Paul Schneider Lamp 8Paul Schneider lives in Dallas, Texas and is 31 years old. First exposed to ceramics in high school (St. Mark’s), attended Rhodes College – played baseball, majored in International Studies. No ceramics program at Rhodes, tried unsuccessfully to start one. One semester I got access to nearby Memphis College of Art to continue throwing. Spent a semester in Madrid – took a ceramics class there – that would be considered my only ‘formal’ education in ceramics. I’ve been working full-time on ceramics (my business) for the past six years. It’s been a roller coaster. Went to a trade show in NYC -March 2014 – Architectural Digest Home Design Show – got a lot of great press there – AD wrote a profile piece on my work. Currently focus is on table lamps.

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