Multiplying Yourself | Hannah Simpson | Episode 1095

Hannah Simpson | Episode 1095

Hannah Simpson Studio, established in 2020, serves as a creative haven for Hannah Simpson, providing an escape from the demands of everyday life. For Hannah, creativity has long been a therapeutic outlet, allowing her to navigate and control her emotions. With her work, Hannah aims to spread joy to others.


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Did you take time to document the systems that you have in place?

I have systems that we use every single day. So when an order comes in we put it on the white board and then it is put in time order for example so we all know where we are. There is a whole system to our making process which is passed on to each new person that comes in. They do change but it has stayed quite the same since the beginning. 

So you have delegated and brought in the right people to continue the vision?

Yes. Delegation is the best thing that I have learned to do since starting the business. It is being able to access where somebody is and know how much they can take on and what their skills are. And put their skills into practice. 

How much empowering do you give trained people to make decisions?

I think that is one of the most important things when you have people working with you is to give them a feeling of autonomy because, I mean that’s why I didn’t want to work anywhere else, (laughter) I don’t like being told always what to do. I like to build someone up so they can have a whole part which feels like their own and it just makes them feel more valued. 

What technologies are you using right now to be able to grow the business?

Social media 100 percent is what helps create my business from day one. Chat GPT is amazing. I use it way too much. That’s a new one actually and I want to see how it will develop in the future. 

You mentioned you use such ancient technology such as a white board so you are not completely immune to using older things though right?

Yeah, my brain is not actually very good on the computers So I much prefer things written down on paper and written on white boards and things like that. 

So you as the entrepreneur are willing to be flexible and to adapt to the team as long as it still achieves the end goal, correct?

Yeah, I think a happy studio will create the best work, right? So it’s making sure to just check in with everyone and make sure they are all feeling good and enjoy what they are doing. Obviously there are some jobs that are super boring but you have to do them, but as long as everyday overall you are doing a job that you enjoy that’s what we are hoping for. 

How do you as you bring in other people to make your vision and you work, how do you still control the quality?

Well,  luckily we all work in the one studio. I am not looking at them constantly but when they are making the work I can see the whole process. It’s not like something leaves the studio without me seeing it. I am here for the whole journey of that piece. 


The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida by Shehan Karunatilaka


Instagram: @hannahsimpsonstudio

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