Chasing The Style and The Skills Will Follow | Rachael Sewell | Episode 1099

Rachael Sewell | Episode 1099

Rachael Sewell is a ceramic artist and candle maker based near Bristol, in the South West of England. After graduating in 2020 with a degree in Buying and Merchandising, Rachael combined her business acumen with her creative passions, launching a line of sculptural candles in 2021. Driven by a desire to explore new mediums, Rachael soon discovered her love for pottery during an intensive course, which ignited her current practice in ceramics. Rachael’s work is a playful yet thoughtful exploration of artistry and everyday utility.


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Do you start from the premise that all things are learnable?

Yes, I do think that, especially with me I learn best on the job and I make so many mistakes behind the scenes. People don’t see but I have made so many mistakes, especially with ceramics it is so easy to put something in the kiln and it comes out just completely gone wrong. I put a lot of time in and it is a lot of trial and error.

About your style and color palette. Do you try and make sure your colors fit together?

I think that is part of it, absolutely. That could be part of your style if you stick to one color palette it is just easier in that sense and make things look cohesive. But I do think it is important to take inspiration from things that inspire you. So that your work reflects you.

Do you have a Pinterest that you keep track of, do you have bookmarks? Tell me how you keep track of the things that are inspiration for you.

Yeah, absolutely. I am not against Pinterest, I do look on there. I take inspiration from all sources. I take inspiration from other artists. I take inspiration mainly from the world around me and what makes me feel the most impacted. And with that it’s different architectural forms and I just try to translate that into my work.

How do you get feedback from trusted people?

What do you mean by that? You mean my customers?

I mean before you put it out in the world. Or is it just an internal thing that is self initiated?

I think if I am going to be quite honest, whenever I have made work to try and please other people it’s actually been my worst pieces. So I actually always say make stuff that you like and just trust that people will find you. As an artist that is the way I like to think.

Does the style of your presentation matter also?

As in the image of my brand?


I actually just try and keep it quite minimal and quite clean. I think it does matter. I try to keep it as professional looking as possible. When I started I wasn’t very good at photography but I have definitely learned that along the way.

What has got you excited and what has got you challenged in the studio?

Excited to make bigger and more intricate lamps. And challenged to keep getting on the wheel because I don’t go on that enough and I would like to continue to get better at that.


The War of Art by Steven Pressfield


Instagram: @araybyrach

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  1. Show notes page comments on commission… Korb Pottery got ultra screwed on a deal of 25 mugs. We had a handshake agreement 2 years ago with a regional (WI) window company for mugs with the logo and all. We spent $125 on the stamp for the logo, finished the mugs. We were done and they were involved… MANY times… and no money and no conversation back. We were trusting and took no money down… We were going to wait till they were done and the company never took them or paid for them.

    Lesson learned.
    Frank and Julie.

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