A Couple Runs A Pottery Business | Lisa & David Dault | Episode 1036

Lisa & David Dault | Episode 1036

Lisa and David Dault are a husband-and-wife team growing a pottery business in the Dayton, OH area. Lisa and David focus on function stoneware pottery and enjoy enhancing the beauty of pieces through carving, faceting, and underglaze transfers. In the midst of running and growing the business, Lisa and David are raising five wonderful daughters.


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David you seem like a “ready, aim, fire” type of a person and Lisa you seem like a “fire, aim, ready, “ type of a person. How do these two approaches help and how do they hinder your business?

David: We definitely help balance each other out and if it was just me we wouldn’t get anything done. And if it was just her she would probably be in jail for not doing some kind of paperwork just because she was forging ahead.

What are your thoughts Lisa?
Lisa: I think it’s kind of like…it’s how you look at an issue. If you look at David and me we are so polar opposite as far as personality. I am very aggressive and outright and he is very peacekeeper and is gentle and kind .And that can seem like oil and water but then we shifted our mind set on how we worked together and we have so many gifts that we work in tandem with each other. So I think his personality really tempers mine and really helps light a fire under him and together we make a really good team.

Lisa how does setting goals mix with your jump ahead style?
That’s an interesting question. I am very strategic on what I spend my time on. I don’t want to waste my time. So if I am just doing busy work then I am not interested. I want to what I am doing and why I am doing it. And once I decide this is what I am doing, then I am going to get it done. I feel like goal setting is very important to me and having lists and not wasting time.

David are you a goal setter too?
Yes, I am a goal setter. Some of that probably comes from being in the business world and knowing the importance of setting goals. I would probably sit around setting goals for a lot longer than actually just going out and achieving them. I think that’s the balance for us.

How are you finding new customers to keep the engine running?
David: So we do in person shows and that always exposes you to new people. But I would say most of it comes from Instagram and Lisa’s continual effort in developing an Instagram account.
Lisa: Yeah, I treat Instagram like a job. It’s a way to be connected to people. To start conversations. But it’s something you have to show up and put time into consistently in order to get a return.

You have five girls. Do you bring them into the studio and have them making?
David: We can’t keep them out. (laughter) And it’s wonderful, yeah. We love to bring them in and have them be involved.


The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

The Creative Call by Janice Elsheimer



Instagram: @daultpottery

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