The Reluctant Potter | Andy Williams | Episode 839

Andy Williams | Episode 839

Andy Williams is 43 years old and from the SF Bay Area. Andy has been a teacher of visual arts for 16 years and full time ceramics the last two years. Andy had not worked with clay in high school, but now it’s all he thinks about. Andy is now working towards the point where he feels comfortable selling.

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Putting Your Money to Work | Kaveri Bharath | Episode 838

Kaveri Bharath | Episode 838

Kaveri Bharath is a potter in Chennai, in South India. Kaveri now has a rooftop studio with a small gas kiln that she built. The bulk of Kaveri’s ceramic education and exposure came from Ray and Debby of GBP, Pondicherry. Kaveri builds kilns, teaches, and also makes and sells pottery.

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Developing A Makers Philosophy | Harry Levenstein | Episode 837

Harry Levenstein | Episode 837

Harry Levenstein is a potter currently working in the southern Berkshires of western Massachusetts. Harry is the ceramics lab tech at the Bard College at Simon’s Rock where he also teaches and maintains his own studio practice.

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Going On A Pottery Trip | Gaspar Gorodisch | Episode 836

Gaspar Gorodisch | Episode 836

Gaspar Gorodisch is an Argentinian potter, Born in 1996 in the city of Buenos Aires. Through his young adult life Gaspar hopped between careers and jobs, having started as a cook at 18, managing bands and studying music full time at 20, and due to a bizarre accident, falling in love with pottery.

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Out Of The Gate and Killing It | Em Piscopo | Episode 835

Em Piscopo | Episode 835

Em Piscopo stumbled into ceramics nearly 2.5 years ago in an attempt to discover my creative side after letting my analytical side take the reigns for too long. The connection was instantaneous, and Em fell in love hard and fast with the medium of clay. Em could never in her wildest dreams have anticipated making pieces that would someday be passed from her hands to those of family and friends, old and new, all over the map. The heart of Nightshade is, and in some ways has always been, finding the intersections between art and science, style and function, and to bring a bit of magic into everyday life.

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Chasing Down An Idea | Mandy Henebry | Episode 834

Mandy Henebry | Episode 834

Mandy Henebry has been working with clay for almost 3 decades. Mandy’s work is a reflection of her love for home décor, and entertaining with food. Soft colors and tactile patterns grace the surfaces of her pottery. Mandy currently lives in Boise, Idaho working as a full-time studio potter.

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Learning From Others | Amanda Bartel | Episode 833

Amanda Bartel | Episode 833

I began working with clay in 2011 when I asked a cashier to teach me pottery. Since then, I have worked in and built multiple studios nationally and internationally. I make functional pieces born from an inner stillness and I strive to help my students find their own stillness through my teaching.

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How To Not Care | Amanda Fangue | Episode 832

Amanda Fangue | Episode 832

If Amanda had known she would one day be a professional potter, she would have taken more than Introduction to Pottery in college! Amanda was re-introduced to ceramics while stationed in Germany (2008) on a US military instillation that had several recreational centers, one of which had pottery wheels and a kiln. Since then Amanda has primarily been self taught through through research, asking a lot of questions, and trial and error. Amanda’s work is 100% designed and handcrafted by herself. Her bubble designs are relatively new. Amanda uses a combination of underglazes, overglazes, and decals.

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A Clay Pickett | Chris Pickett | Episode 831

Chris Pickett | Episode 831

Chris received his BFA from the University of Tennessee and his MFA from the University of Florida. Chris served as a long term Resident Fellow at the Archie Bray Foundation from 2012 to 2014. Chris currently resides in Pocatello, Idaho, and serves as an Assistant Professor at Idaho State University.

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Some Of The Whys Of Being Discovered | Raina Lee | Episode 830

Raina Lee | Episode 830

Raina Lee is an artist based in Los Angeles and works in clay and experimental glazes. Raina’s practice draws from ceramics history, archeology, and burial objects, and objects from her family’s past. Raina began in clay making functional works and has recently started making sculptural pieces.

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