“It’s Not Going To Happen At Me” | Doug Rubenstein | Episode 771

Doug Rubenstein | Episode 771

Doug Rubenstein is a potter living in Northern California and is inspired by exploring the intersections between nature and people in his work. Prior to working as a potter full time, Doug was an early childhood teacher for 5 years in New York City and decided to focus on his passion for art in 2020 by starting his own small business, Fifth Season Studio, and moving back to the West Coast.

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“I Wanna Milk The Cosmic Cow For All Its Worth” | Molly Walter | Episode 770

Molly Walter | Episode 770

Molly Walter creates sculptural and functional ceramics with a focus on deeply carved patterns. Molly is a graduate of Haywood Community College’s professional craft program. Originally from Illinois, Molly has lived and worked a variety of jobs in Western North Carolina since 2009. March 2021 marks Molly’s first attempt at working full time in the studio.

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A Jeweler Became a Potter | Emma Baird | Episode 769

Emma Baird | Episode 769

Emma Baird is a jeweler in Edinburgh, Scotland, who started her adventures with Clay in 2019.  Emma started out by making some simple plaster molds and slip casting porcelain that she coloured with mason stains, before trying out some experimental glaze pours on slab built stoneware plates. Emma’s discovery of the endless possibilities with glazing led her to switch from porcelain to mainly work with stoneware and she finally got a wheel in March 2021. Emma’s homewares are bright and colourful and put the fun into functional!

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Some Talk About Pricing | Laura Crosland | Episode 768

Laura Crosland | Episode 768

Laura Crosland creates wheel thrown pottery intricately carved with geometric patterns and distinctive glazes, alongside a range of tableware in her studio in St Ives, Cornwall. Laura studied ceramics at Wolverhampton University before working for potters Peter Beard and Penny Simpson before 2 years at the Leach Pottery as a production potter.

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Some Tips on Photo Setups | Paul Lowe | Episode 767

Paul Lowe | Episode 767

Paul Lowe Was born and raised in Oslo Norway where he spent his childhood cooking and crafting with his Grandmother. Paul worked as a food and prop stylist all over Europe before settling in NYC 15 years ago. Paul’s love of ceramics started 7 years ago after taking a class…. It was love at first slab. Paul describes his style as heavily influenced by his Nordic heritage with clean and simple lines and colors. Today Paul lives and works in Palm Springs with husband James and 3 dogs.

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Finding That Artist Confidence | Rebecca McClure | Episode 766

Rebecca McClure | Episode 766

Rebecca McClure is a ceramic artist from Victoria, British Columbia in Canada, the territory of the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples. She began working with clay in 1991, but previously studied art education, theatre design, and art history at the University of Calgary. Rebecca creates work with a modern vibe, using classic forms, stark contrasts, and vibrant colours.

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Some TikTok Talk | Aba Hutchison | Episode 765

Aba Hutchison | Episode 765

Aba Hutchison is a new potter/ceramicist who has been studying the craft for a year and a half under Jonathan Williams of Rock Hill Pottery Center. Before Aba studied ceramics, she focused mainly on portraiture which has a strong influence on her style, featuring several freehand sgraffito or glaze pencil portraits. Aba also designs section plates for adults.

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“I Thank Myself” | Tarragon Smith | Episode 764

Tarragon Smith | Episode 764

Tarragon Smith was born and raised in Canada, but is currently living in the UK. Tarragon’s background is in fine art with a BFA and MA in fine art. Through a natural progression Tarragon has moved into ceramics and makes esoteric functional ware and non-functional ware. Tarragon also teaches adult evening classes.

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