Find the Balance Between Protection & Exploration | Carol Barclay | Episode 410

Carol Barclay | Episode 410

Carol Barclay is a self taught studio potter, selling since 1981. Carol entered an outdoor art show and was delighted to sell out within 2 hours. Carol is a former competitive volleyball player, teacher, and avid gardener. Working with clay is deeply satisfying for Carol because of the physicality of the process and the possibilities.


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What do you think the source of creativity is for you?

I think it is innate. I have always loved to make things. So I think it’s innate and as far as a source of current ideas it would be looking at Instagram and Clay-buddies, going to conferences. And I am really looking forward to seeing all the manufacturers exhibits at NCECA because there are new developments like reds that could be fired at high temperatures didn’t exist when I first started so there are always new developments that give me new avenues for exploration.

Tell me the importance of-Keep on moving even though you’ve been hurt. Because that has kind of been the story of your life that you had to stop throwing but you didn’t stop making.

That’s interesting. I think that comes from my mom. She opened a restaurant and my mother was very determined and both my sister and I have turned out the same way. I think it is also passion. I am impassioned about volleyball so I kept on playing it in spite of the pain. The same with the pottery. I am not about to give that up. It is an important part of my self identity, making things.

Tell me about the value of working with people you love to be successful.

I could not do it without them. Not only the physical help but the emotional affirmation. For them to say, what you do is important enough that I will give up my Saturday to come help you. That’s huge. That is just wonderful and our family is all for one, one for all. So my daughter is a playwright, my son-in-law is a writer, my husband is a photographer and we all do that. We go to each other’s openings. We take care of the children so somebody else can work. That is the way it has always been. Relying on others around me is a joy.

What do you think the influence of social media has been like on the ceramic world?

I think it opens us up to many more ideas to see what people are making.   I think it is a great thing. I think it unites us. I am going to meet people at NCECA that I only know through Instagram and that will be thrilling. I have gone to NCECA before and felt like this lonely little island and I know I will not feel that way this year.

Now that you are a hand builder, what is your favorite tool?

Well I got myself an electric slab-roller. So that one has saved my wrists especially when I was making all those folded vases. Good sponges are important and the other things are tools that I can burnish with. I found tools with hard rubber tips, I can burnish with and also tools with stainless-steel balls on the end.

You have had back problems so how do you keep your back healthy now?

Good question. I have an astounding physical therapist. And he has worked up a set of stretches for me and strengthening exercises and I try to do those. In all honesty if I did all he gave me to do it would be an hour and a half a day, so I don’t do all of them every day. But I try to do the stretching every single day.


From a Slab of Clay


Instagram: @carolbarclay6

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