Giving Art | Kim Press | Episode 213

Kim Press | Episode 213

Kim Press

Kim Press Giveaway FlowersKim Press likes to think of her work as her story. Each piece of art that Kim makes is a feeling, a thought, or a small moment in her life that is screaming to get out. Kim loves that she can make things that are uniquely her own. In a time where you can have anything you desire delivered to your doorstep with the click of a button, Kim loves that she is able to create things that require time to make. For Kim, being a maker in a world run by machines is incredibly gratifying. Kim’s work is Kim’s story. Kim’s work is Kim.


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Kim Press Serving Bowl with Holes

How is giving breaking the rules?

I think it’s not really as common as it should be. My personal Facebook feed is all people trying to sell me something.

Kim Press Plate with Holes

How has giving changed your life?

I think it makes me a happier person and makes me feel like I am doing what I should be doing with my life.

Kim Press Serving Bowl

Where do you get your inspiration?

I would say nature would probably be my biggest answer. Water, I do a lot of waves. Swirls, holes, wind, with my carving the depth and the imperfections of nature come through.

Kim Press Chip and Dip Bowl

How important is photography?

I think it’s pretty important although all my work photos I take with my iPhone in my garage.

Kim Press Giveaway Bowl

Do you do any post-photograph editing?

On Instagram I put filters on things but no, I don’t tweak any kind of settings.

Kim Press Candle Light Vessel

If you were a superhero what would your superpower be?

I think I would be invisible. I think it would be interesting to see what people are really like, you know?

Kim Press Bowl with Holes


Book Cover

How to be a Badass

Kim Press Bowl with Holes 2


Instagram: @sailing_adrift_studios

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