Imposter? No. Amazing! | Kerri Louisa | Episode 1055

Kerri Louisa | Episode 1055

Kerri Louisa, an emerging ceramic artist from Australia, channels her lifelong passion for creative expression into each of her works. Originally from the Adelaide Hills, Kerri spent two decades living and working across Australia and abroad before settling on the Southeast coast of Queensland with her husband and teenage daughters. Kerri’s journey into ceramics began in 2019 with a Visual Arts Diploma, where she discovered an unexpected affinity for clay. Post-diploma, Kerri embarked on a self-guided exploration of hand-building techniques, refining her unique artistic voice. Kerri’s work, branded under the name Nioka Clay, has been showcased internationally, including exhibitions in Paris with 1000 Vases and in Perth with Anfisa Design. Her pieces feature in styling campaigns and adorn prestigious designer homes. Kerri continues to explore new dimensions in ceramics, blending her diverse inspirations into future creations that promise to captivate and inspire.


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Why do you think a new role or a new endeavor stirs up such an imposter syndrome like thought process?

I think because if you haven’t got a background in that thing you don’t feel credible. Like do I have permission to be good at this if I am self taught or if I have only been doing it for a short amount of time? And the answer is yes. But I think it’s being aware that other people might look and say, This does not compute. 

Why do you think a positive mindset is important to help us “imposters” out?

I am a positive person by nature. I think it’s something I was born with and something that I think has always helped me try to overcome incredible challenges is to always hold onto hope as well and I think that positivity and hope go hand in hand. I think that being positive, it’s kind of like having this little hand on your back and gently nudging you forward.

Is it important to choose ahead of time whose opinion to value?

I haven’t deliberately kind of thought of that before. I think even since being really young and struggling in school growing up with undiagnosed dyslexia I had to find ways to overcome a lot of those types of challenges where at the end of the day it was my own opinion that needed to be what mattered. And sometimes that can be dangerous if we don’t have a positive opinion of ourselves. So I would say the people that are closest to me for sure, but also in a more spiritual context I am thinking of the opinion of my Creator and what would he/she think of what I am doing and how I am doing things and does it line up with those values that I was brought up with.

Someone said, Trust in direction, not in destination. Do you think that’s an important ingredient in deciding it doesn’t matter if I am an imposter or whatever, what matters is the direction I am going in?

Yeah, again I would say it again comes down to people can kind of say what they want but at the end of the day I made this so…(laughter). Do you know what I mean?


I don’t know if that’s a good enough answer…

It’s a great answer!

it’s just come at me with what you want to say but the proof is in the pudding type thing. Here’s this vase and it speaks for itself.

 So well said. 

Someone said, Celebrate wins and admit areas of growth. How does that help us to have a balanced view of ourselves?

Because I believe we can’t have wins until we have had many failures because to me a failure is a positive thing. Because every time we fail we learn how to improve. The win doesn’t come unless there has been growth and we all have to start somewhere. When you teach a child to tie their shoelace you can’t expect them to tie it straightaway. They win at the end of the trying.


1000 Vases edited by  Pier Paolo Pitacco 


Instagram: @nioka.clay

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