Makers & Marketers | Benedicte & Jerome Leclere | Episode 530

Benedicte & Jerome Leclere | Episode 530

Benedicte and Jerome Leclere recently left Brooklyn to find a better life balance and spend more time making ceramics. Relocating upstate New York near Woodstock, they just launched their brand called l’Impatience. Both originally from France and always on the look out for new objects to create, the name refers to the eagerness and expectation behind every project (pronounced ‘Lum-puh-see-unce’’). Their style is mainly defined by their tableware collections, elegant and minimalistic, that people can simply appreciate every day. They also enjoy making unique pieces such as vases and bonsai pots, a jewelry collection or even limited clothing items.




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How does one go about finding that perfect customer?

Benedicte: I think it is really trying to find your target age. Do you think your products are can be sold to people from 18 years old? 65? Or do you think that your product is more designed for a more specific range? What is your style and how does that style talk to a different range of people.

So what you are saying then is, it is more important to understand who your product is made for then it is to find someone to make something for. Would you say that is accurate?

Jerome: I would say it is kind of both ways because you want to make objects that we like and sort of doing that and finding the people who are going t like what we do. So I think it is more about knowing who we are as a brand and to kind of define the people who are going to like what we do and kind of try to shoot their way and reach these people specifically rather than the other people.

Benedicte: Unless it is your goal but our goal wasn’t to say, who are the people who are going to buy and make stuff they are going to love. The goal was to make the work that  we love and that we would love to buy. And then knowing more about the people who would like to buy this type of thing, where do they live, where do they hang out on social media, and then if you can talk to them then that is the next step.

Jerome: And then you ask yourself those questions that are more specific to what those people would need or what they would want and then kind of match.

Does looking at your “competitors” and other potters that make similar work, does it help you to creep their pages and see how they are doing it? Does that help you as a marketer?

Benedicte: Yes, it is very important to review your “competition” and that is what we say in advertising and I don’t like to say that in the pottery world because it is a lot more of a community feel and we are ready to help each other, than in the advertising world. But yes, it is really important because you want to be part of that community and see what different potters and different creators are bringing. So I think it is not just like object but the whole environment. So it is important to see what others do and how they present their work, like the type of photography they do and how they interact and what kind of social media do they use.

How important is it to have that unique voice in reaching customers so you are not just one of the crowd but you actually stand out in the crowd?

Benedicte: It is super important.

Jerome: It is hard.

Benedicte: yes, it is super hard as well because now it is so overcrowded.

Jerome: That is how people will remember you through that crowd of people is what is going to strike them and stay with them over time. If they think, I want some pottery, or I want some plates, they are going to remember the photography of your work and think about you and then they are going to research you.

Benedicte: I think it is not always something that you find right away. It is something that you have to work on as well. I think it takes time to find your voice and I don’t know if we have found it yet. I think going through that process of putting our work into the world, you try things, and some stuff you think, yeah, okay I want to share more of that, but with that I am not comfortable with. I think you make a lot of mistakes and that is how you are building your voice.

Is it important to put into your strategy, a first-time offer to be able to capture a customer?

Benedicte: I think so, yes. You need to engage people, I don’t know, maybe you can do without it but I think it is interesting for people. It is hard when you are selling things online and people don’t really have a place where people can really see it and touch it and everything, so giving them incentive is always good.

It is important to determine how much you are going to spend in order to acquire a customer?

Jerome: That is your strategy.

Benedicte: Yes, it really is the  big business, Paul. I think you have to be ready at first to spend a bit of money. Just for all the gear and everything and then if you want to do some promotions on social media I think it is good to have some kind of budget in mind. If you are not comfortable with having a whole budget then at least an idea and researching it as well.

Jerome: Yes, you don’t want to put your money where it is not going to help you at all. That is the hard part I would say, to know where the money is going to be worth something.

Benedicte: And also trying it out slowly. For example, if you do Facebook ads or Instagram ads, don’t put right away a big chunk of money. Instagram especially gives you options to reach different types of audiences. Either they do it for you or you customize it. So I think it is good to try different things and then you can refine your strategy.

What is one of the best things about working with a spouse?

Benedicte: I think it is understanding each other.

Jerome: And it doesn’t feel like work very much, I guess.

Benedicte; Yes and it is great to have somebody who understands the whole process and to be able to bounce ideas. We love it.


The Elements of Color by Johannes Itten (1-Feb-1971) Hardcover

The Elements of Color by Johannes Itten

The Botanical Bible by Sonya Patel Ellis


Instagram: @limpatience.ceramics


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