Running a B to B Business in Moscow | Anastasia Ceramum | Episode 462

Anastasia Ceramum | Episode 462

Anastasia Ceramum is a ceramic artist living in Moscow, Russia. Anastasia has built a thriving business catering to other businesses that need ceramic items to be made for them. She has employees and is making a a great go at it in Moscow.



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Number 1 brand in America for a reason.



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How do you let people know about your business?

It is internet and internet.

On Instagram you have almost 9 thousand followers. 

That is not big. Our clients are companies so we need a strategy to find more business clients. One of my clients told me you can take your portfolio and go to a private meeting. So in the future I will take my portfolio and go to the clients because it is more of a story when you can show something.

How about repeat business, do you go back to the same clients and ask them if they need more work done?

Some clients do one order in one year and some clients would like to know who we are and meet us before they do the first order.

Why don’t you sell to customers?

Because it is too hard to work with one person. You should communicate with all of them and deliver to them. It is hard to deliver one item to a thousand orders. It is easier to take larger orders from one client.

What is the average size of an order from one of your customers right now?

It is maybe 20 thousand rubles. It is about 3 thousand dollars.

How many pieces is that?

It may be one big piece or ten mugs.


Instagram: @ceramum

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