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Julia Smith | Episode 506
Julia Smith is a potter based in the Highlands of Scotland. Julia has a home studio and produces illustrated ceramics and one off pots for exhibitions. Julia uses earthenware, decals, and studio made layered glazes. Julia has an online sale once a month and sell at events throughout the UK.

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What sort of things are you doing to keep followers on Instagram as your followers?
I have been pointing people in the direction of my mailing list more recently. It is more when people say, Oh, I missed your post and I didn’t know about it. So if I can email them as well, the day before or something they will know. All of that is a good idea for the future. You know that people want to see your stuff if they join your mailing list. Sometimes I will do a special offer or something that will keep people thinking that it is worth being on this mailing list.
What do you use to collect emails?
I use a site called Mad Mimi. I think it is very similar to Mail Chimp. You could just set up emails very easily. Just select your audience and send them out and that is it. Then you can monitor who looks at them and who doesn’t.
How often do you send out emails to your mailing list?
Not a lot. I have only really been using it the last three or four months. It has just been for the shop updates.
What kind of offers do you give to attract people to your email list?
Well, at Christmas time I had these little brooches I was giving away. I had ten of them so the first ten orders from the mailing list would get a free one. Or I might do a shipping deal or something like that.
What do you put in the content of your email?
I don’t really overload people with much. it is just says my shop is open and that is about it. I think this year I am going to expand a little bit more. I am gong to share a little bit more about process and things like that I have been getting more interest on that side of things.
How long have you been doing the email collections?
Probably the last few years. But not that actively. I have always had one there but it has been more recently since the shop has gotten a lot more popular.

What has got you excited about your business right now?
I think I get excited when I experiment and do new things. I don’t know. I just like being in charge of driving it forward. I just made my wheel a stand up one. I like when there is a little change in the studio.

What has you frustrated about business right now?
Probably work-life balance. That is partly why I am doing the monthly updates as well. I can be a bit more freer and be available for other things and not always be tied to having to get orders out every single day. Generally I am quite happy being a potter and being my own boss.

What is your favorite part of the ceramic process?
I love when I am trimming. That stage of clay when it is leather hard and you are carving into it or working with it at that stage, I think is the most satisfying. I love throwing. I don’t want to do it every day but if I see someone else throwing I feel jealous and I want to throw. There is satisfaction in manipulating the clay like that.
The Potter’s Book of Glaze Recipes
Instagram: @julia.smith.ceramics