An Artist Finding His Way | Patrick Noe | Episode 46

Patrick Noe | Episode 46

Patrick Noe


Patrick Noe VernazzaPatrick Noe graduated in 1980 with an art major from the College of Charleston in Charleston SC. Patrick’s emphasis was on painting, but he also took sculpture and printmaking. After college Patrick worked in clay for 20 years but wanted to get back into painting without having to give up clay. Patrick Noe Moustier ChurchHe started to experiment with using woodcuts to create relief in clay slabs and then painting and firing them in his kiln. This technique grew more refined and complicated and into the unique art form that Patrick produces today.Continue reading

Kim Murton | Kim Murton Ceramics | Episode 28

Kim Murton studio photo

Kim Murton PlateKim Murton is a long time potter. Kim majored in ceramics in college then worked in animation for ten years in New York City where she was cutting, pasting, cel painting, inbetweening, and assisting. She now spends her time between drawing on the computer and working in her clay studio. She returned to working with clay after moving to Vancouver, Washington and now produces wonderful works that combine her playful sense of humor with her great design and color sensibility.
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