A Woodfire Conference | Trevor Youngberg | Episode 1021

Trevor Youngberg | Episode 1021

This is Trevor Youngberg’s second episode on The Potters Cast. Trevor is a high school ceramics teacher and practicing wood-fire potter. Guided by a mindset that is focused on growth, discovery and creativity; Trevor finds that practicing wood-firing enriches every facet of his life.

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1,000 Episodes!!! | The Potters Cast | Episode 1000

The Potters Cast | Episode 1000

1,000 episodes! When The Potters Cast first started I had no idea that we would ever get to this many episodes. But here we are… episode number 1,000. And there is nothing but thanks in my heart for all the love and support. In celebration we are doing two things… First my wife, Jennifer and I jumped on a couple of mics and Jennifer interviewed me. So I’ll put a of pic of my work below. The second thing we did was that we asked people to record a message for The Potters Cast. So below I included links to their IG accounts (the ones that I could) and picture of their work. A huge thank you to all of you for being a part of this incredible journey. Lots of love to you.

Paul Blais @pdblais

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An Eye for Building Relationships | Trevor Youngberg | Episode 349

Trevor Youngberg | Episode 349

Trevor Youngberg is a wood-fire potter from Woodbridge, CT. Trevor teaches High School Ceramics and has woven his passion for clay and teaching into the fabric of his life as a family man, potter, and community member. By employing ceramics as a vehicle for creating uplifting and meaningful shared group experiences, Trevor managed to continue developing as a potter while including students, friends, neighbors, and fellow potters in the varied activities that encircle the making of wood-fired wares.

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