“The Camera Won’t do the Work for You” | Dana Gabel | Episode 467

Dana Gabel | Episode 467

Dana Gabel produces ceramic work that is functional with a sculptural flare. Born and raised in Bronx, NY she now resides Pennsylvania. After obtaining a BA in Visual Art she currently continues to refine her work, showing predominately in Northeastern Pennsylvania but also displaying work in parts of the U.S.


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What kind of camera do you use?

I have the Canon T6i.

And why did you choose that?

I find with the Canon the colors are represented accurately with my pieces.

Once you have taken your photograph, what kind of software do you use to clean it up a little bit?


Why Photoshop?

I have always used Photoshop. I am comfortable using it and there is a lot of things you can do with it. Not that I doctor up my photos, I just do the basics. It’s just that I am pretty comfortable using it.

Let me ask you about people who are using just an iPhone. Do you think that is smart, or do you think people ought to invest in better camera gear?

I feel like in certain situations, when using natural lighting, it is okay to use an iPhone. But I feel like if you are serious about it you should really invest in a camera.

How much time are you actually investing in each photograph? With set up, uploading, and touch up, how much time are you spending with that whole process?

Probably 45 minutes to an hour on each photo. From setting it up and taking the photos and then photoshopping them. I take awhile. Sometimes I am not happy and I will retake them again.

Why is photography so important?

I think it is really important because a lot of people who could come across my work don’t see it in person and I want to show my piece off as best as I can. So when that person is looking at it they have an accurate sense of what my piece is without necessarily looking at it physically.

Why don’t you hire it out?

It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it.

I think you take beautiful photography. How long did that take to learn?

I would say it took awhile. I have a friend who is a photography major so she helped me out quite a lot. Mark my partner, he helped me out quite a bit too. I have never taken a photography class so I was really self-taught for the most part. Between the two of them and just my own independent research online on how to go about taking a good photo, between those three things is what helped me take photos.

How does this sentence resonate with you in terms of photography : It’s all learn-able. 

It resonates with me because I feel like people shouldn’t be afraid and that photography is definitely learn-able. If you are dedicated to it you can learn it. It is not something that is not attainable. I think you can.

My last question for you: If you didn’t do clay, what would you do?

I was originally a painter and drew, so I would say I would do something along those lines. Painting or drawing. Which I still do on and off but ceramics is something I do way more. Painting and drawing definitely is what I would do if I didn’t do clay.


Born a Crime by Trevor Noah



Instagram: @degabel





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