Gaya Ceramic Arts Center | Hillary Kane | Episode 601

Hillary Kane | Episode 601

For Hillary Kane, travel and work have led her to claim residence in several continents and many different countries.  Inevitably, the landscape and light, culture and customs of each has impacted Hillary’s own artwork and continues to be a vital source of inspiration.  Educated in the United States and France, Hillary now resides between Bali, Indonesia and the U.S.  Hillary focuses her creativity in both clay and paint, enjoying the dynamic of two very different mediums and their possible confluence.  Wood-fired ceramics in particular has led Hillary to partake in many international symposia, residencies, and conferences, as well as to pioneer several wood-firing kilns in Bali.  As co-founder and creative director of Gaya Ceramic Arts Center, Hillary has spent the last decade steering its growth: hosting resident artists, instructors, and participants from the world over, while ever continuing with the creative process herself.  Most importantly, Hillary and her husband have been enjoying the overwhelmingly creative journey of raising their twin daughters.

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