Making For Potters | Cara Steinbuchel | Episode 455

Cara Steinbuchel | Episode 455

Cara Steinbuchel is the designer and maker of Potters’ Skin Butter Deep Hydration for Hardworking Hands. She started making Potters’ Skin Butter out of her studio in 2004 for the pottery community in Asheville, NC. Her lotion is now available nationwide in pottery supply stores and through her website (Link below).




Number 1 brand in America for a reason.



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How are  important are the numbers to look at to know how well you are doing in your business?

Super important. It kind of going into my book recommendation. Realizing where you make money, wholesale, retail, and I got into a lot of local business classes here in Ashville. Like foundations at our local business center and then I learned the numbers part because that is somewhere I was really weak just on my own.

Did you come up with a mission statement for your business?

I have come up with a few. At this point I would say to help people live the creative lives they love by taking care of themselves and their skin.

Are you doing this all alone or are you hiring people?

Right now I am definitely not doing it alone. My fiance, Michele Rogers has been helping me. She has actually been helping me for the seven years we have been together. At this point every jar of lotion is filled by her and labeled by her so that has definitely been a team effort.

Is this your full-time gig?

No, it’s not. It was about to be and then I got hired at my volunteer job. So I go to the hospital and work with kids making art. It’s just a passion of mine

Do you have a number set to when you are going to say, this is when I am going full-time?

I did, but once I got hired at my volunteer job I have to have both those things now to make me feel complete. It’s a little more like let’s try this out.

How do you advertise your business?

I advertise a lot through word of mouth. In the local community of Ashville I have grown a lot that way. I go to indy craft fairs. I also went to NCECA and it was one of the best pieces of publicity I have ever done because I got to actually meet the community face to face and find out who the big players are who are serving the pottery community. And I got to see some freaking amazing art.

Do you use a program to help keep track of your finances?


Do you do the software approach or the online approach?

I do the software approach because I am cheap and I like to make it last as many years as possible. I am currently using the 2012 version.

What kind of structure do you have for your business?

I am currently a single member LLC.  I found that if you ask a lawyer they will advise you to be an LLC and if you ask an accountant they will advise you to be a CCorp. I wanted to be something other than a sole proprietor since I am making skin care, so to protect myself as the business grew.

What do you do with your time off, when you are not doing pottery or the business? What is your perfect time off activity?

My perfect time off is going hiking around here in Ashville. Maybe taking a tubing trip down the river or a dip in the water in the summer time. In the winter playing in the snow.


The Money Book 


Instagram: @caramaeskincare

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