A Walk On The Dark Side | Lindsay Keating | Episode 779

Lindsay Keating | Episode 779

Cabinet of Curious Clay is dark, decorative, and functional pottery created by Lindsay Keating in her ceramics studio in Coatesville, PA. Lindsay references historical imagery in her work as well as creating her own original artwork. Her designs are translated into her pottery through sgraffito (carving) techniques, painting and sculpting. Lindsay throws each piece individually on the pottery wheel. Lindsay does not use decals or printing but rather each design is done totally freehand and uniquely created.


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What’s your favorite Halloween or horror-themed song?

How do I pick? I like Halloween by the Misfits and Suzie and the Banshees has a Halloween song. I also really enjoy the Nightmare Before Christmas, the theme from that. I love that one. It’s an endless list.

So cemeteries run all through your work. What is one thing you would not want to run into in a cemetery? 

Hannibal Lector? (laughter) I don’t know I just watched Silence of the Lambs, that’s probably why I said that. Or I guess I wouldn’t want to run into, you know, anyone coming out to their graves.

In the realm of instruments, which instrument is the darkest?

Oh, that’s a great question. I think the timpani is kind of like, the drums, it’s very….the church organ I suppose. I would go with those two I guess. (laughter)

Have you ever spent the night in a haunted house or a cemetery or anything like that?

You know what’s funny, I know that I am really into all the spooky stuff but I kind of scare easily. So I am going to a haunted house attraction this weekend and I’m like, Oh my God, I am going to be screaming. 

Okay, you are all alone and something creepy is going on and it freaked you out. What was the creepiest thing that happened to you when you are were alone?

I don’t know. I actually don’t have a good answer to this. All I can think of is a generally being afraid of being in the basement, you know, alone and getting spooked. But nothing specifically jumps out at me.

All of your work leans toward the darker side. But do you believe in those things? Are there witches, are there demons, are there dark things that function in the world?

You know, I just tend to take that agnostic approach. I don’t know. But I guess I am more of an atheist  because I live as though none of that is real. But at the same time I feel like I just don’t know. The only thing I think, Hmm, that might be true, is ghosts and maybe aliens. (laughter)

If you were to be sucked into a scary movie, which would you choose?

I’m going to do a little curve ball here and say a TV show instead of a movie. It’s spooky but humorous. What We Do in the Shadows.

I don’t think I…

You haven’t heard of it?


Oh, that’s my favorite television show. It is hilarious. It is maybe a mockumentary of vampires living in a house together. It is just fantastic. It is absolutely hilarious.


Frankenstein by Mary Shelley



Instagram: @cabinetofcuriousclay

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