Looking Into The Woodfire Community | Denise Joyal, Chris Landers, Lisa York, Tim Sherman | Episode 413

Denise Joyal, Chris Landers, Lisa York, Tim Sherman | Episode 413

Denise Joyal

Chris Landers

At this year’s NCECA Pittsburgh I sat down with a group of potters that had put on a room show to talk about what it was like to put on a room show. Now a room show is not part of NCECA, but it is a side thing that happens during NCECA in a hotel room. So that was going to be the point of the conversation. As we got into this we ended up spending a significant amount of time talking about what it is like being a part of the woodfire pottery community. The participants were Denise Joyal, Chris Landers, Lisa York, and Tim Sherman.

Lisa York

Tim Sherman and his Firing Crew

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How to Attend NCECA | Cindy Bracker | Episode 390

Cindy Bracker | Episode 390

Cindy Bracker is helping to run the family business of Brackers Good Earth Clays which is a local ceramic supply house in Lawrence Kansas. And, as the picture above indicates, Cindy is also a competitive cyclist. For today’s episode of The Potters Cast Cindy is talking through great tips on how to attend NCECA.

Cindy’s Plate

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Quick Convention Conversations | NCECA 2017 | Episode 304

NCECA 2017 | Episode 304

The star of today’s episode is NCECA! Portland, OR was the host this year for the annual conference. Thousands of clay people invaded the city from all over the world. I personally met people that traveled from Norway, Australia, Canada, and Brazil. And of course, lots of people from the US.

I walked around the conference and related areas and had conversations with lots of different people. The show notes for that follow will have pictures of the people’s work that I talked to, and links to their Instagram pages. They will be displayed in the order in which they appear in the episode. I think there is only one person that didn’t have any point of contact for me to track down.

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